It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!





The Battle of Bataan represented the most intense phase of Imperial Japan’s invasion of the Philippines during World War II. It left a lot of memories which are commemorated in the areas where they took place:


Balanga Catholic Church Belfry


Bataan Balanga Church BelfyPhoto from:


Balanga Catholic Church Belfry, a ministration of Balanga, Bataan which formerly belonged to Abucay, became an independent missionary center in 1739. Rev. Benito Rivas, O.P., strengthened this church by fortifying its wall. Rev. Juan Antonio Vicente, O.P, on the other hand, roofed it with galvanized iron and decorated the interior. During the World War II it was used as the site for the Japanese artillery bombardment of Mt. Samat where Filipino and American forces took their last stand in Bataan. –



Go To Part  1234





The Historical Province of Bataan

World War II Historical Places in Bataan

Wonderful Beaches and Resorts in Bataan

Other Interesting Places in Bataan

Special Events and Festivals in Bataan

Having Fun in Bataan






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