It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!



Planning a trip? Those who love to travel know the essence of all travel is about you and your enjoyment. Travelers know that the destination is a major part of planning a trip, experiencing and delving deeper into unfamiliar places, people and culture is paramount.

Expand your horizons and set your sight to the Philippines, an off the beaten path travel site! An undiscovered paradise made of thousands of islands and white sand beaches all around! A tiny dot in the map of the world, and yet a haven for travelers, backpackers, retirees and even passersby.

It offers awesome tourist attractions, magnificent beaches, hot spring resorts, colorful festivals, hundreds of scenic spots and world-class hotels and facilities. Not to mention the tropical climate, the affordable prices as well as the friendly and hospitable, English-speaking people! You will be glad you came, and we’re sure, you WILL come back for more FUN in the Philippines!






Farming, fishing and manufacturing are the major industries. With itsvast fertile plains, Pangasinan’s economy is mainly agricultural. Morethan 44% of its agricultural area is devoted to crop production. Principalproducts are rice, corn, tobacco, garlic, vegetables and cassava.

Pangasinan is also considered a coastal province. Inland fish and prawnculture are famous in the central towns besides saltmaking.

Pangasinan is famous for its export-quality products produced from basket-weaving,shellcraft, blacksmithing, jewelry-making and furniture-making among others.The fish caviar (bagoong) and coco candy (bocayo) has become two of thefamous trademarks of the province aside from the Bonuan bangus (milk fish). –


Pngasinan Manaoag ChurchPhoto from:


Pangasinan is rooted to the earth – agriculture based production remains as a major source of income for the majority of the populace. Aqua-culture is also popular in areas where instead of farmlands, variated squares of artificial ponds for fish rearing are found. Through the years, as the demand for particular fish stocks rose and fell, fishpond owners have adapted by sticking to traditionally favored, and stable growing fish species like the bangus or milkfish, the malaga and prawns. With agriculture currently mobilizing more than half of the local labor force, the current administration has seen the need to boost its efforts in this area. –


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From its meandering coastlines dotted with cream-colored to white sand beaches and protected marine parks and stunning geological formations, secluded waterfalls, centuries-old churches, Pangasinan challenges the traveler to get off the beaten path and explore its many treasures. –


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Go  To  Part  1  –  2






Pangasinan Belongs to the Ilocos Region

Pangasinan – the Heartland of the Philippines

The Hundred Islands in Pangasinan

Magnificent Beaches in Pangasinan

Dagupan, Pangasinan – Milkfish Capital

Interesting Places to Visit in Pangasinan

Colorful Festivals in Pangasinan

Have Lots of Fun in Pangasinan





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