Archive for the ‘Camarines Norte’ Category
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One of the most important and prosperous fishing ports in Luzon, this town, the fish bowl of the Bicol Region, is home to the third largest fishing ground in the country. Mercedes’ large fishing fleet of 20-m. long basnigs supplies a large bulk of the catch of fish and shrimps to Manila. We arrived in time for the lively early morning fish market (open from 6-8am). Read More:
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… But as far as the Mercedes fish port is concerned, it’s making tons from the fish coming in.
He was proud because they operate an integrated fish trading facility that has become an icon in CamNorte.
In fact, the place is famous for its “bulungan” trading, where the haggling for prices are done secretly through whispering mode: the buyer whispers his bid to the fish-owner, who would keep the info to himself until he heard the best bid from others. The highest bid gets the fish.
The bay water in Mercedes is deep and very green, suggesting that it has maintained its natural state where fish thrives well, thus assuring there would more for the small fishermen to catch the next day.
The fish port facility boast of a deep docking area that caters to the needs of big fishing boats as well as a jetty that accommodates fishing vessel waiting to come near to the market area.
Likewise, in front of the massive fish trading hall, where the “bulungan” deals are being made daily is a spacious, paved parking lot for big fish-hauling trucks. Everyday, many of this type would park here, waiting to be uploaded with catch destined for Bicol and Metro Manila. Read More:
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Our day actually started very early since we motored to the Mercedes Fish Port at five in the morning to witness the Bulungan sa Pandawan. Bulungan is an early morning fish trading practice at the Mercedes Fish Port where bids for the lots are whispered to the broker who determines the highest bidder.
The place was abuzz with activity before sunrise with boats unloading crates of fish and other seafood, and bidders trying to outdo each other for the freshest catch. Read More:
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Camarines Norte is a Hidden Paradise Waiting to be Discovered
Where is Camarines Norte and How to Get There
Interesting Destinations in Camarines Norte
Exciting and Colorful Festivals in Camarines Norte
Fun and Adventures in Camarines Norte
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