Archive for the ‘Camarines Norte’ Category

It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!







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On the approach to the island, a serene long stretch of fine sand, pine trees and glassy waters will spell paradise. I got stunned by the picturesque view made me more thrilled to beach bum and traipse by the shore. It is like the Anawangin/Nagsasa Cove in Zambales but way better version, perfect for beach camping and bumming away from the crowds and hustle and bustle of the metro.

Things here are as simple and laid back as it gets. Island visitors are advised to bring their own food, drinks and other camping necessities. You may also opt to rent beach huts and thrifty rooms for more comfortable stay. But our group just pitched tents, put up beach hammocks and mats. Read More:


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With summer fast approaching, most get busy packing their bags for a stimulating vacation. If you are someone who is drawn to the calm blue seas, then the beaches in the Philippines are among of the best options to plan a holiday. Apuao Grande Island should certainly be high up on the list. The island situated in Camarines Norte, the northern most province of Bicol is named the ZigZag Capital of the Philippines, for its breathtaking twists and turns along the island. Visitors would certainly enjoy a trip down this island.

Dotted with pine trees and calm beaches, It is a beach resort that was famous in the 1980’s and boasts today of a number of spectacular unspoiled beaches, diving sites, and charming bays. It is located in Mercedes (The Mercedes group of islands is mainly composed of 7 islands) in Camarines Norte at a distance of ten minutes from Canton Island its landscape it brushed with astonishing caves and rock formations. The island is laced with sublime shorelines of white sand and clear blue waters.  Read More:


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After my short stint and inspection of the island, it looks like this island is big, at the back part there lies the mangrove and when head north, it will bring you to the other side of Apuao that leads to a hill where one can climb and see the aerial view of the island. Our guide even advise us that climbing the hill will allow us to see and observe the bat sanctuary. Yeah! Apuao Grande is home to these nocturnal fruit bats, and lots of them really.

So after our lunch, we climbed the hill and did some photo ops after which we enjoyed observing the bats along the way. According to our guide, the bats really originated from Caringo Island but due to human encroachment of the island, these bats were forced to look for other nearby islands hence they would normally frequent Apuao Grande by afternoon and late go back to Caringo before dawn. 

 Most of our day was spent swimming in the shores of Apuao, I suggest you to swim to the other side of Apuao, the one near the hill because the sands are whiter and finer and the waters are crystal blue clear.  Read More:

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