Archive for the ‘Isabela’ Category

It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!



Planning a trip? Those who love to travel know the essence of all travel is about you and your enjoyment. Travelers know that the destination is a major part in planning a trip, experiencing and delving deeper into an unfamiliar places, people and culture is paramount.

Expand your horizons and set your sight to the Philippines, an off the beaten path travel site! An undiscovered paradise made of thousands of islands and white sand beaches all around! A tiny dot in the map of the world, and yet a haven for travelers, backpackers, retirees and even passersby.

It offers awesome tourist attractions, magnificent beaches, hot spring resorts, colorful festivals, hundreds of scenic spots and world-class hotels and facilities. Not to mention the tropical climate, the affordable prices as well as the friendly and hospitable, English-speaking people! You will be glad you came, and we’re sure, you WILL come back for more FUN in the Philippines!





Isabela Gakit FestivalPhoto from:


The Gakit Festival is an annual festival held at the Cagayan River. It was revived to remind Angadanians of their cultural tradition of resourcefulness and self-reliance.

Participants of the festival offer fruits, vegetables, poultry, and livestock as thanksgiving for their abundant bounty. The practice also reminds Angadanians of their tradition of planting crops and raising poultry in their own backyards for their own consumption. This hopefully will reduce Angadanian’s reliance on others and will inculcate resourcefulness in each Angadanian.

The Gakit Festival also aims to show Angadanians that progress can only be achieved if they are united as one. A key detail of the Gakit Festival is the hand-made bamboo rafts which are used by the participants of the Festival. Each bamboo pole, if alone, has no value. It cannot float reliably on a river nor can it be used to transport anything. But if many bamboo poles are tied together as one, it can be made into a raft which can float and sail on calm or rough waters while transporting people and products.


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Gakit Festival is celebrated every 16th of May in Angadanan, Isabela.  The town rejoices the use of ‘Gakit’ , Gaddang term for a raft, by the tribes of Angadanan as their mode of transport; Gakit is used to transport travelers and goods from one town to another through the mighty Cagayan River.


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The Gakit Festival is an annual festival held at the Cagayan River. Participants of the festival offer fruits, vegetables, poultry, and livestock as thanksgiving for their abundant bounty. The practice also reminds Angadanians of their tradition of planting crops and raising poultry in their own backyards for their own consumption.

The Gakit Festival also aims to show Angadanians that progress can only be achieved if they are united as one. A key detail of the Gakit Festival is the hand-made bamboo rafts which are used by the participants of the Festival. Each bamboo pole, if alone, has no value. It cannot float reliably on a river nor can it be used to transport anything. But if many bamboo poles are tied together as one, it can be made into a raft which can float and sail on calm or rough waters while transporting people and products.  Read More:


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Isabela Province – Rice and Corn Granary of Luzon

The Powerful Magat Dam in Isabela

Colorful Festivals in Isabela

Special Interest Spots and Tours in Isabela

Tourist Attractions in Isabela

Having Fun in Isabela






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