Archive for the ‘Tawi-Tawi’ Category

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Tawi-Tawi, a remote island province, has white sandy beaches and stunning views, but selling it as a tourist destination has proved challenging for Philippine officials.

The island’s pristine waters, prehistoric caves and mountain lookouts, it turns out, lie in the vicinity of fierce battles between rebel groups and the Philippine military.

“The Philippines remains an ideal destination, with foreign individuals and groups continuing to arrive,” the Department of Tourism said in a statement shortly after the birdwatchers were kidnapped. “So far, no cancellations have been made.”  Read More:


Sheikh Makdum Mosque


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Tawi-Tawi has a sizable Muslim population. This means it’s common to find Islamic places of worship such as mosques. One of the most popular in the province is Sheikh Makdum Mosque located in the island of Simunul, some 30 minutes away from Bongao by boat. Founded in 1380 when an Arabian missionary named Sheikh Makdum introduced Islam to the islands, it is regarded to be the oldest mosque in the Philippines. Read More:

The Sheik Makhdum Mosque is recognized as the first mosque built in the Philippines. It’s considered a National Cultural Treasure and has been declared a National Historical Landmark.

This mosque on Simunul Island honors the memory of the man credited with bringing Islam to the Philippines, the Arab missionary Karimul Makhdum. The original mosque is believed to have been built in 1380 and to have lasted for 500 years. The existing structure is built around four wooden pillars of the original structure. Read More:


Mapun Island


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Mapun Tawi-Tawi or Cagayan de Sulu) is an island municipality in the Sulu Sea on the southwestern extreme of the Philippines, located very close to Sabah. Or from the way I see it on the Philippine map, the island is located on the Philippine’s “armpit”.

Mapun is a volcanic island. The picture above shows Mt. Nanggoy, an inactive volcano near the Sapah Lake. The most popular tourist attraction in Mapun would be the three crater lakes on the west part of the island. Legend says that the three lakes were once volcanoes that erupted together. The first two, Danao and Singuwang, became freshwater crater lakes (now quite inaccessible and infested with crocodiles), and the third lake, Jurata, empties out to the Jurata Bay.

The island has plenty of undiscovered falls, natural springs, inland marshes and hidden white sand beaches and rock cliffs. There are also islets near the island where turtles are being raised. Read More:


Turtle Islands


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Nature-friendly Turtle Islands. Just near the islets of Sulu and Tawi-tawi are the virgin Turtle Islands. The islands remain a sanctuary of thousands of turtles laying their eggs on its shores. Read More:



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Tawi-Tawi is the Southern-Most Province of the Philippines

Where is Tawi-Tawi and How to Get There

Discover the Beauty of Tawi-Tawi

Come and Watch the Colorful Festivals of Tawi-Tawi

How to Enjoy Fun Times in Tawi-Tawi

Tawi-Tawi Photo Gallery

Tawi-Tawi Video Collection



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