It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!





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Sugar Beach is the kilometer-long sugary brown-colored sand beach in Sipalay. It is an ideal destination for those who want to relax and unwind after exploring the underrated idyllic city of Sipalay in Negros Occidental. Sit back, relax and unwind while lazing on the sand and watching the sunset. Read More:


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Surrounded by limestone, hard to get to, but beautiful, Sugar Beach was itself both a challenge and a blessing. With a lot of the scenery I would next see in Palawan, the travel day was well worth it upon arrival.

We had made a reservation at Driftwood Village, a lovely resort run by Daisy (a luminous Filipina with dark hair down to her waist and a permanent smile) and her husband Peter (a gruff, seen-and-done it all Swiss guy, the perfect foil to Daisy’s enthusiasm).

With a jumbled mishmash of nipa huts ranging from 400-1200 pesos, there was plenty of variety to choose from and a big book exchange to attack during the lazy days on the beach. I ended up staying there longer than anticipated, bidding adieu to Jess and Sean who were making their way to Leyte and then down to Borneo and enjoying the sunsets, waves and evenings playing foozball and pool.  Read More:


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Sugar Beach is located in Brgy. Nauhang. If you love to swim and do water activities, this is the place for you! The refined slope at the beach makes it ideal for swimming plus there’s no presence of large scale sea urchins. Haha! If you followed my Julien’s Wreck blog, this is the jump off to that hidden treasure.

What I love about Sugar Beach is its laid back atmosphere. The beach is richly outlined with coconut trees providing sufficient shade and completing the tropical vibe. Looking for a beach to unwind has been a bit of a challenge lately due to the booming ecotourism. Every place is becoming mainstream. Good thing this beach has preserved its relaxed ambiance.  Read More:



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Negros Occidental is Part of Region VI

Negros Occidental – Sugarbowl of the Philippines

Where is Negros Occidental and How to Get There

Popular Tourist Attractions in Negros Occidental

Amazing Beaches in Negros Occidental

Colorful Festivals in Negros Occidental

Fun Activities in Negros Occidental

Negros Occidental Photo Gallery

Negros Occidental Video Collection



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