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The splendid Patabang Festival gives identity to the festivities of the people of Tapaz.

Every September 20th to 30th, they joyfully celebrate this festival which is coined based on the people’s sense of heartfelt generosity and helping each other which is reflected in their day to day living.

Pagpatabang is a precious trait of Tapaznons and is best shown in occasional times of diligence and hardwork such as working in farms particularly during planting and harvesting season, bayanihan where a group of volunteers carry a house and transfer it from one place to another, assisting in the preparation of food during special occasions such as thanksgiving, weddings, and fiestas. This spirit of helping one another is celebrated through street dancing, concerts, and merry making and is common among the simple lives of Tapaznons. Read More:


Mayor Rosemarie F. Gardose
Municipality of Tapaz, Capiz
Tel. no. (036) 538-2011

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Patabang Festival was an annual event in the Municipality of Tapaz based on the munificence of heart and the idea of helping one another in case of need, or in local term tabang.

Patabang is one of the virtues of Tapaznons when time comes to some occasional time of hard work such as working in the farm during the planting and harvesting season, moving houses from one place to another, preparing foods during thanksgiving and many more. This bayanihan spirit is very common among the Tapaznons simple way of way of life particularly during times of hardships and difficulties. Patabang plays a essential part in every Tapaznon’s life serving as the tie that binds them together in their aim to achieve prosperity and progress.  Read More:


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The Patabang Festival is based on the Tapaznons’ generosity and the idea of “you’ll help me and I’ll help you,” which is reflected in their way of life. This bayanihan spirit is common among the Tapaznons’ simple way of life.

The “pagpatabang” is Tapaznons valuable trait when it comes to time of hard work, like the planting and harvesting seasons, preparing food during thanksgivings, and transferring houses from one place to another.

To know more about the festival, contact Tapaz Municipality’s Mayor Office at (036) 538-2011.   Read More:



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