It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!






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Malatan-og Falls is also known as “Cigarette Falls” due to its appearance from afar. Just looking at it after an hour of travel from Bacolod made your stress relieved. You’ll see its beauty from the view deck (or lantawan to locals) near the roadside. This is another favorite stopover for tourists especially who loves photo op. There are some vendors there selling chichiria like banana chips, taro chips, chicharon and cornik.

Below the viewing deck is the entrance down to a long trek to the falls. You need to register and hire a guide to get there. The trek usually takes an hour. Sadly, we didn’t have much time to go there. To represent the TupangGala, we sent our trusty Buknoy, the flying drone, and took a close footage of the falls. We just sighed as we view what Buknoy sees on its camera, imagining we were there, swimming and enjoying the waters. Well, the stopover still worth it for us, first-timers. Read More:


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Malatan-og is about an hour and a half drive away from Bacolod City in the municipality of Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental. It is the tallest waterfall on the island and, some say, one of the most beautiful in all of the Philippines.

Getting there, however, is a bit of a pain if you aren’t used to hiking. Once you arrive in Don Salvador, head for the waterfalls viewing deck. Normally you’ll find it quite crowded, but it is such a beautiful sight. From there, you will be asked to sign the registry and if you want a tour guide (it’s free, but they ask for a donation). Two hundred pesos is normal gift but if you can give more, please do. The money is used to keep the park clean, safe, and beautiful.

The hike downward takes about 2 hours. Don’t wear tennis shoes. Use hiking boots or a nice pair of trekking sandals. It gets quite muddy and you’ll have to walk through a couple springs along the way.

The guide will give a small break at a rest house about 15 minutes away from the falls. There you can have free water and coffee (again, please leave a donation). Once you are there, you can swim, bathe, and enjoy the scenery. Wild monkeys live at the top of the waterfall and you can see them playing and even jumping down part of the falls.   Read More:


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Enjoying Malatan-og Falls with your friends will make a memorable moment and experience you had in your life. The water is cold as an ice. It is surrounded by small to big rocks. The water is 8 feet deep. It’s purely nature. No stores, no houses, no cottages, no chairs nor tables. Just enjoy the shade of the trees around. Sit on the stone and feel the breeze of the air. Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to. 

Experience the fun and adventure in Malatan-og falls. Be amazed with the scenery and the cold puff of air. It’s not only a falls, it’s an astounding creation of God. It is not down in any map, true places never are. Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond.  Read More:



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Negros Occidental is Part of Region VI

Negros Occidental – Sugarbowl of the Philippines

Where is Negros Occidental and How to Get There

Popular Tourist Attractions in Negros Occidental

Amazing Beaches in Negros Occidental

Colorful Festivals in Negros Occidental

Fun Activities in Negros Occidental

Negros Occidental Photo Gallery

Negros Occidental Video Collection



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