Posts Tagged ‘Bacacay Beach’


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While most Philippine beaches celebrate being gifted with white-to-warm and golden sands, Albay province takes pride in owning a long stretch of shoreline beautified by rare jet-black sand.

The waterscape of this city alone, that features beautiful white surging surfs of the ocean gracefully sweeping to form a sharp contrast with sands of the deepest ebony color underneath up to the natural formations of the long stretch of beach, is itself a natural wonder added to the majestic view of Mayon Volcano.

Albay’s black sand is a product of millions of years of natural erosion that pulverized the mighty volcanic rocks into fine-textured silts and dumped to the sea by river channels emanating from the slopes of Mt. Mayon, an active volcano, owning a record of dozens of violent eruptions since time immemorial.

The city government here takes advantage of its tourism development and promotion of this priced possession that offers tourists the touch of Hawaiian Island that is famous for its beautiful black sand beaches, some of which are considered the best black sand beaches in the world.

No need to visit Hawaii to experience the beauty of black sand beaches. Read More:




It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!




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Before I go to Legazpi, a friend texted me, who is living before in Albay, Bicol, told me I need to check the black sand beaches that can be found along the coasts of Bacacay, Sto. Domingo and Tiwi. I know it’s kinda rare and fascinating that there are beaches in the Philippines that have black sand because we normally see powdery-white sand. I heard also the Big Island in Hawaii is famous for this attraction. Which do you think is the best black sand beaches ? in Bicol or in Hawaii? hmmmm…

Just to give you trivia guys what happened why the sand became black, simply because of Mt. Mayon Volcano.  The distinct black sand is created from the millions of years of natural erosion of volcanic rock and which evolved from ground lava and into fine-textured sands. The black sand is usually a little grainy. Some people are saying the sand has therapeutic benefits.  Read More: 








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Black sand beaches are rare and very fascinating. The distinct black sand is created from the natural erosion of volcanic rock and which evolved from ground lava. The Big Island in Hawaii is famous for this attraction. But one need not go to Hawaii for this, as black volcanic sand beaches are also plentiful in Albay.

Located mostly on the eastern and northern part of Mayon volcano, black sand beaches can be found along the coasts of Bacacay, Sto. Domingo and Tiwi. The black sand is usually a little grainy but it is easy to walk on, if not too hot. Local folks believe that it has therapeutic benefits.

Explore Black Sand Beaches by location:

          * Bacacay

          * Sto. Domingo

          * Tiwi

 Read More:




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Go To Part  12





Albay – Home Of Perfect-Cone Mayon Volcano

Interesting Places to See in Albay

Colorful Festivals in Albay

Have a Lot of Fun in Albay






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