Posts Tagged ‘falls in Mountain Province’

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Just another waterfall, I was skeptical on our second day in Sagada. But Pongas Falls inclines to a different story.

After all the E for effort, we finally paused and marveled at the beauty of Pongas all for ourselves, having been the only tourists on site. The gentle splash was relaxing it could lull you to sleep. The pool created by the cascade was refreshingly cool. The volume of water increases during wet season hence the slippery slope in climbing towards the waterfall to reach the basin.
The view was fantastic. Elements of clear blue sky, clean and fresh running water, rock and earth with the shades and hues of green converged and ran their course in perfect co-existence. Seeing the waterfall was already a relief and was, as they say, well worth it. Read More:


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If you’ve graduated from the Bomod-ok falls, then the Pongas Falls is your next trek to conquer. Visitors will start off their trek in Ankileng village where they will need to get to via private hire van. From there, there’s two options to reach the Pongas Falls. You can either trek via land or river. Like the Bomod-ok Falls, expect to spend one to two hours reaching your destination.

But don’t let this deter you as the views along the way are absolutely breathtaking. During your trek you will spy rice terraces, animals, mountains and much more. And if you have a knowledgeable guide he can tell you all about life in the area.

Once you get to the falls, you’ll see water gushing down a series of boulders and rocks diverting the refreshing crisp water downward. And once you’re ready, you can stand on one of the sturdier boulders and feel the sensation of the clear water rushing through your toes before heading down to the pool.  Read More:


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30 minutes of trekking + zero leech + level 1 to 4 water cascade.

You just can’t get enough! There is more after the 1st level of this waterfalls…. The so-called twin falls… falls everywhere…..

Normally, it requires one whole day to complete the river crossing for all levels but our group started almost lunch time so  it  was already dark when we completed the tour.  Read More:


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Mountain Province is in the Cordillera Administrative Region

Where is Mountain Province and How to Get There

Mountain Province – Home of Many Rice Terraces

Awesome Rice Terraces at the Mountain Province

Other Amazing Places in Mountain Province

Colorful Festivals and Events in Mountain Province

Can We have Fun in Mountain Province?

Products and Industry in Mountain Province



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