Posts Tagged ‘festivals in Batangas’

It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!


Planning a trip? Those who love to travel know the essence of all travel is about you and your enjoyment. Travelers know that the destination is a major part in planning a trip, experiencing and delving deeper into unfamiliar places, people and culture is paramount.

Expand your horizons and set your sight to the Philippines, an off the beaten path travel site! An undiscovered paradise made of thousands of islands and white sand beaches all around! A tiny dot in the map of the world, and yet a haven for travelers, backpackers, retirees and even passersby.

It offers awesome tourist attractions, magnificent beaches, hot spring resorts, colorful festivals, hundreds of scenic spots and world-class hotels and facilities. Not to mention the tropical climate, the affordable prices as well as the friendly and hospitable, English-speaking people! You will be glad you came, and we’re sure, you WILL come back for more FUN in the Philippines!




The Philippines is generally a festive nation, and Batangas festival is one good example. Maybe because of the Spanish influence during the 16th – 18th century the Philippines was colonize by the Spaniards. According to the old Filipinos, the Spanish in the early days where the one’s who initiated the festive mood in the Philippines. These festive celebrations do exist in the province of Batangas. –



Fluvial Procession at Taal


Fluvial Procession batangasPhoto from:

A two-day celebration of Taal town fiesta. Taal residents convene themselves at the riverbank where several bancas are anchored. The image of Our Lady of Caysasay is carried by the devotees in a fluvial procession at the Pansipit River and through the streets of Taal and finally brought to Basilica of Taal. On the next day, the image of Our Lady of Caysasay along with St. Martin de Tour, the patron saint of Basilica joins the evening long procession. During the procession, chosen girls dressed in white, stop at the street corner and hail the Virgin by reciting Luwa or praises to the Virgin Mary until it reaches again the Basilica, which is welcome by the lights of fireworks and the playing of


Sublian Festival


Sublian Festival BatangasPhoto from:


The Sublian Festival was started on the annual observation of the city hood of Batangas City. The objective is to renew the practice of the subli.

A subli is presented during a feast, as ceremonial worship dance in honor to the Holy Cross. The image of the Holy Cross was found during the Spanish rule in the town of Alitagtag. It is the patron saint of ancient town of Bauan. The dance is indigenous to the province of Batangas. –


Anihan Festival


Anihan Festival batangasPhoto from:


Every last week of September, the bucolic and laid-back municipality of Lobo, celebrate it’s annual Anihan festival. The festival aims to showcase the bountiful harvest of this another agricultural town of Batangas. At the same time, this is Lobo local folks’ way of thanking the Almighty God. –


Kinulob Festival


Kinulob Festival BatangasPhoto from:


Chickens play a vital role in Mabini, Batangas, because poultry and poultry products are major sources of livelihood for the townspeople and a pride of the municipality as well. Native chickens are cooked in various ways, from inihaw to nilaga to adobo and tinola. But their favorite is kinulob. The chicken is broiled in a tightly enclosed tin container over flaming charcoal.

Mabini’s Kinulob Festival, a new annual tradition that started in 2002, was conceptualized to pay tribute to and honor the Municipality’s native chicken-raisers, as well as preserve and celebrate their traditions. –


Go To Part 123




Don’t Miss Visiting the Amazing Batangas Province

Magnificent Beaches and Dive Sites in Batangas!

Colorful Festivals in Batangas

Other Interesting Spots in Batangas

Having Fun in Batangas






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