Posts Tagged ‘hot spring’

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It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!



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Go to Part 12





Marinduque Island Province, Home of Moriones Festival

Where is Marinduque and How to Get There

Interesting Tourist Spots in Marinduque

Colorful Festivals in Marinduque

Awesome Beaches in Marinduque

Enjoy Your Stay in Marinduque

Marinduque Photo Gallery

Marinduque Video Collections



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Lapay Bantigue Dance Festival Shows the Gracefulness of the Seagull

Swim in The “Amazingly Pink” Pink Beach of Northern Samar

Panhulugan Caves Inside the Sohoton National Park

Tultugan Festival – Bamboo Dance and Music

Kasag Festival in Celebration of the Blue Crabs

Porta Vega Powdery White Sand Beach Lined with Coconut Trees

Kalesayahan Festival Focuses on Decorated Horse-Drawn Carts

Inuruban Festival is a Celebration of the Town’s Favorite Foods

Cagnituan Falls and Cave – Double Experience, Twice the Fun

Bulubadiangan Island in Iloilo





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