Posts Tagged ‘Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary’

Planning a trip? Those who love to travel know the essence of all travel is about you and your enjoyment. Travelers know that the destination is a major part in planning a trip, experiencing and delving deeper into unfamiliar places, people and culture is paramount.
Expand your horizons and set your sight to the Philippines, an off the beaten path travel site! An undiscovered paradise made of thousands of islands and white sand beaches all around! A tiny dot in the map of the world, and yet a haven for travelers, backpackers, retirees and even passersby.
It offers awesome tourist attractions, magnificent beaches, hot spring resorts, colorful festivals, hundreds of scenic spots and world-class hotels and facilities. Not to mention the tropical climate, the affordable prices as well as the friendly and hospitable, English-speaking people! You will be glad you came, and we’re sure, you WILL come back for more FUN in the Philippines!
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This pilot Butterfly Sanctuary has provided in its modest space the natural habitat of 55 butterfly species and scores of moths and associated fauna. Itself a veritable botanical garden, it has grown within the 1,460-square-meter enclosure more than one hundred plant species, some serving as part of the life-support system of butterflies in their larval stages. Although many a visitor strays into the garden to catch a glimpse of these flying gems in their poetry in motion, through the years students with scientific inclination have been assisted in their term papers and master’s theses by having materials in the Sanctuary available for them for research on natural history. It is also a place where sometimes an overenthusiastic adult, with sharpened reflexes, can be young again by chasing something beautiful and elusive. – Read More:
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The Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary and Art Gallery is a cozy little treasure tucked away in the middle of Cebu City. (Even taxi drivers don’t know where it is!) Built in 1974, it’s actually a modest-looking house that has been converted into a museum/sanctuary/art gallery. It is the legacy of Professor Julian Jumalon, the late Cebuano artist-turned-lepidopterist (a person who studies butterflies and moths). He was a graduate of Fine Arts, but his passion was butterflies. He traveled wordwide, collecting butterflies and trading local Philippine species for foreign ones. The Sanctuary is filled with “food plants” planted by the Professor himself to attract butterflies. He also caught live specimens and released them in his garden.
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The Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary and Art Gallery is one of the many museums one can find in the Queen City of the South. What sets it apart from the other museums in the city is what it has on display. Tucked away in the middle of the city, the museum was established in 1974 by the late Professor Julian Jumalon at his residence along Julian N. Jumalon Street, Cebu City.
Finding the place may not be easy, but once visitors arrive they are given an educational talk and tour of the museum. The museum has numerous butterflies from all around the world on display. Aside from butterflies, it also displays moths, some of which are rather colorful. Read More:
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