Posts Tagged ‘Laguna festivals’

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Laguna Feast of the Risen ChristPhoto from:


An age-old tradition for the San Pablenos is the observance of the Holy Week wherein a procession of life-sized images in huge carozas (floats) depicting the passion of Christ is done. Held every Holy Wednesday and Good Friday, a religious holiday, people from near and far were free to troop to this place to witness this event. The Tourism Council of San Pablo City, being aware of the people’s interest in witnessing this event, decided to dub this occasion as the feast of the Feast of the Risen Christ, making the trouble of those who come to see the procession more worthwhile. The Council devised an organized schedule for the occasion’s activities, among these the Easter Sunday Salubong (the meeting of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ after He has risen from the dead), done at 4 o clock in the morning. An organized procession, Visita Iglesia and Way of the Cross. With these, observing the Holy Week would be more solemn and restful. –


Laguna Feast of the Risen ChristPhoto from:



Photos Below From:


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ


Laguna Feast of the Risen Christ






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