Posts Tagged ‘Laguna festivals’

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 Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Coconut is one of the main products of San Pablo City in Laguna. To make the most of the “Tree of Life,” and to show the world the talents and ingenuity of the local townsfolk, the Coconut Festival came into existence.


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


 Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Now on its 10th year, having its maiden year on January, 1996, the coco fest is held during the celebration of the city’s patron saint, St. Paul the First Hermit, which falls every 15th of January. The week-long celebration features the beer plaza, closing city’s main thoroughfare from vehicles and having along it food stalls and miniature restaurants with rock bands performing on make shift stages on different street corners.


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:

 Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


 Cultural presentations featuring different schools, organizations and barangays are scheduled every night and is dubbed as Cultural Extravaganza. One of the most awaited events during this celebration is the Coronation Ball of the Mutya ng San Pablo, a dinner dance and fashion show featuring the candidates in gowns and terno creations by local couturiers.


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:

  Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Food Fairs and Exhibits are also a part of the festivities where the water treasures of San Pablo is cooked in coconut milk. The highlight of the celebration is the Street Dancing or Mardi Gras where different schools compete in the beat of themed music and the participants donned in costumes decorated with materials from coconut. This also includes the parade of floats decorated with coconut materials as well. The parade passes along the main thoroughfare wherein houses and establishments are adorned and decorated with coconuts. The festival is ended with the Fireworks on the evening of the 15th, the day of the fiesta.






Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:

 Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from: 


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:


Laguna Coconut FestivalPhoto from:

A gown made with coconut materials.


Watch the videos:


















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