Posts Tagged ‘Mainit Sulfuric Hot Spring’

It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!






There are different Mainit Hot Springs in the provinces of Compostela Valley, Davao del Sur and Biliran.


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Mainit Hot Spring offered an entirely different experience unlike in my other Chasing Philippine Waterfalls Project trips. Often cold waters cascade down from the mountains. But in Mainit, true to its name, is naturally warm that soothes a travel-weary traveler like me. In fact, a brief moment playing the gently-flowing hot spring was more than satisfying.

Before I got myself carried away by this natural wonder, I decided to go back to the main road. There I waited for a long while for a jeep to bring me back to the transport terminal in Mawab en route to Nabunturan. Meanwhile, the afternoon downpour had made me to contemplate on what will the next nine days will be.  Read More:


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When we got to Mainit Sulfuric Hot spring, it was the steaming view of the cascading waters that first took my interest. It was a new sight to me seeing hot steaming waters freely flowing from different geological formations.

In my desire to experience it first hand, I rushed to the hot waterfall base only to realize the waters were really hot. I had to soak my feet first in the gushing warm waters for couple of minutes for them to adjust with the temperature. When done, I ran to the cascading waters trying to test if I can brave its warmness. To my dismay, it is really hot. I told myself to wait until its dusk so it won’t be that boiling. And so I contented going around scrutinizing every inch of this place that was a new sight to my eyes. Read More:


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Therapeutic effects on skin diseases and inflammation on muscles and joints, relaxing effects, and improved strength. These are only a few examples of the nature’s healing powers found in hot springs and has been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Luckily for us Filipinos, we need not travel far to enjoy the nature’s healing wonders. Our very own Philippines is bestowed with such great wonders!

Now bathe in a rejuvenating flow of spring water filled with dissolved minerals in one of the country’s hot springs – The Mainit Sulfuric Hot Spring in Maco, Compostela Valley.  Read More:



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