Posts Tagged ‘Mt. Iglit Baco National Park’


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Declared as a national park and forest reservation, Mt. Iglit is also a game sanctuary for the tamaraw, a species of wild water buffalo endemic to Mindoro. Resembling the carabao, the tamaraw is smaller in size, with shorter and straighter V-shaped horns. These endangered animalis live in the forests at the foot of Mt. Iglit. Trekkers and climbers may be able to catch a glimpse of the tamaraw as well as several other species of indigenous wildlife and flora. Iglit-Baco National Park is also the home of the Hanuo’o Mangyan, Mindoro’s aborigines. Authorizations for visits to the ethnic community are required; these can be arranged in advance by hotels. Read More:


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The Mounts Iglit–Baco National Park is a protected area of the Philippines and an ASEAN Heritage Park located in the island of Mindoro in central Philippines. The park covers an area of 75,445 hectares (186,430 acres) surrounding Mount Iglit and Mount Baco in the central interior of Mindoro. It was established in 1970 by virtue of Republic Act No. 6148. In 2003, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations listed it as one of its four heritage parks in the Philippines. The park has also been nominated in the Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Read More:


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The Mounts Iglit-Baco National Park is a rare mountain grassland that can only be found in the hearts of Mindoro.

The area is more than seventy thousand hectares wide, as wide as seventy thousand sports field are. It has all the characteristics a forest could have – rugged terrains, river gorges and plateaus. The two Mountains have almost the same levels of sea, with Mt. Baco having a little hundred more, and are considered both the highest peaks.

The place is now under proposal for expansion in the west side zone, where they found traces of a dwarf buffalo (Bubalus mindorensis). Having more land means more protection for these species and in doing so will also preserve their habitat.   Read More:



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