Posts Tagged ‘Pinsal Falls’

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NOTE:  Ilocos Sur and Nueva Ecija Provinces have their own Pinsal Falls.  Same name, different falls.



Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls1Photo from:


With a height of approximately 85 feet, Pinsal Falls is known for being the largest waterfall in the Ilocos Region as well as for its natural beauty. With its romantic atmosphere, Pinsal Falls is a popular location for filming Philippine movies as well as a favorite spot for swimming and for picnicking. The pools at the top of the falls are famous as well. The biggest of these pools figures in a local legend as it is said to be the footprint that was left by an Ilocano giant who was running off in search of his wife. There is also a famous spring with boiling-hot water at the top of the falls. Read More:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls2 Photo from:


Pinsal Falls, the largest waterfalls in the Ilocos Region, are located in a narrow gorge in Barangay Baballasioan of Santa Maria. Pinsal is a group of plunge and cascades waterfalls falling from a 300-ft wide irregular shaped river ledge the highest of which is a drop of about 85 feet (26 m). Upriver are several smaller falls with their own natural pools. Behind the cascading water of the main falls is a hidden cave where one can swim from. Another tall waterfall is located at the southern ledge.

The grandeur and pristine beauty of these falls has long been attracting foreign and local tourists. Crystal clear water cascades down to two natural pools where visitors can frolic during hot summer. The surrounding hillsides are covered with verdant big trees making the place fairly cool. A trip to Pinsal Falls is not complete without climbing the carved steps to the top where more natural pools are found, the biggest of which is the ‘footprint of Angalo’. According to the folklore, the ground indentation is the footprint the giant Angalo left behind while searching for his wife Aran. Another notable geographical feature is a phallic shaped rock, which the legend says belong to the male giant. Meters from this spot is the famous hot spring where one can boil an egg in 10 to 15 minutes.

Adjacent to Pinsal falls are stones stairs carved out of the mountain to reach the upper falls. It is also used by the residents of the adjacent town of Pilar, Abra province in hiking to or from the Municipality of Sta. Maria.

Pinsal Falls is located about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) on paved road from the municipal hall of Sta. Maria via the Pinsal Falls Road, and can be reached in 20 minutes by any vehicular transportation. Read More:


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Pinsal is not just an ordinary waterfall. Towering at 85-foot (26-meters) high, this is considered as the largest and grandest waterfall in the province. The waterfall is best visited during the rainy season or just after it for the obvious reason that more water is flowing from the mountains. We went there in December so the level of water is not as much as it should during May to September.

Its emerald water cascades down into a curtain of cold water. It pours down its might on a pool at the bottom where everyone can swim. At the back of the cascading water is a hidden cave where you can also go and swim.

Previously, going up the falls is difficult via a steep rock carved with steps. Today, the locals have built a safer path following the side of the mountain with steel and concrete pavements and steps.  Read More:



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Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls3Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls11 Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls4Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls5Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls6Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls7 Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls8Photo from:


Ilocos Sur Pinzal Falls9Photo from:


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