Posts Tagged ‘places to go in Tawi-Tawi’

It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!







A charming and majestic chain of islands straddling peacefully between Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea in the southwestern Philippines is the exotic Tawi-Tawi province. Here, you have hundreds of beautiful tropical islands and islets to choose from with unspoiled white-sandy beaches and serene landscapes. From sacred mountain and the rolling hills where the provincial capitol building is located to white-sandy beaches of hundreds of islets plus the gentle and so kind local people, Tawi-Tawi is truly a paradise. And by the way, it is very safe here because the locals from different groups are living harmoniously altogether.  Read More:




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Many who have visited Simunul in Tawi-tawi would say that aside from visiting the oldest Philippine mosque, there is not much to do in this island. This centuries-old mosque could be Simunul’s strongest tourism card for now, in the absence of the usual beach resorts and budget hotels. But even so, the peaceful island has every potential to be at par with other popular destinations in the country. From the Ubol wharf going to Tubig Indangan, one would easily notice that the coastline is littered with unspoiled white sand beach fronts and crystal clear waters. This is largely unnoticed even by the gentle Sama people, the island’s residents, probably because they have already used to waking up to this beautiful sight for as long as they could remember.  Read More:


Sibutu Island


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Literally the farthest south of the Philippine archipelago, Sibutu is almost as close – or as far – to Sabah as it is to Bongao, Tawi-Tawi’s capital, when you look at its northern tip on the map. In fact, the then-mayor at the time of my visit would regularly go to Malaysia, which is less than an hour by jet ski.

For a municipality that is remote and whose name is likely unheard of by many, Sibutu has a population of over 28,000 as of the latest census, and land covering 109 square kilometers. Here, Christians are the minority and live in peace with their Muslim brothers and sisters.

But for a remote area, Sibutu is surprisingly connected – and is arguably the connector – to Tawi-Tawi’s other islands, as Sibutu is known in the province as the land of boat builders. It is highly likely that the lancha I rode to Sibutu was also built there.  Read More:




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Not far from Saluag Island is the municipality of Sitangkai, a lively settlement that stands not on land but on reef. Approaching Sitangkai is like entering a different world. It has a one-kilometer marine causeway that is fringed with stores that sell dry wares, fresh produce and even bizarre merchandise like dried stingrays and puffer fish, which according to a vendor is actually safe to eat. Here, footbridges connect one house to another and pump boats are the only mode of transportation. Traffic usually happens in the morning, when people from nearby islands come to purchase supplies. Many peddlers would crowd the 20-feet wide waterway to sell directly from their boats.

Besides the unusual trade and commerce, seaweed farming is also another source of livelihood in the island. In fact, Sitangkai is the largest producer of seaweeds in the country.  Read More:



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Tawi-Tawi is the Southern-Most Province of the Philippines

Where is Tawi-Tawi and How to Get There

Discover the Beauty of Tawi-Tawi

Come and Watch the Colorful Festivals of Tawi-Tawi

How to Enjoy Fun Times in Tawi-Tawi

Tawi-Tawi Photo Gallery

Tawi-Tawi Video Collection



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