Posts Tagged ‘Special Places in Batanes’




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Batanes is one of the best destination in the Philippines. It’s located in the northernmost province of the country, which is part of the Cagayan Valley region. The provincial capital is Basco, which is the center of commerce and seat of the provincial government.

The province features a lot of beautiful and unique tourist spots. Anywhere you go, you can find amazing things, which is perfect background for your selfie or group photo. Batanes has three largest islands, Batan, Itbayat, and Sabtang.
Each spot in the province offers unique attractions. The Sabtang island has lots of natural attractions that will be loved by every nature lovers. You can find here white sand beaches with steep mountains and deep canyons. Read More:




It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!



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Chavayan Church


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This church in Chavayan is also known as Sta. Rose de Lima Chapel.  Chavayan is the town which has the best preserved stone houses commonly found in the province of Batanes.


Chavayan Village


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The tiny Chavayan Village is located on Sabtang Island, part of the Batanes region of the Philippines and permanently locked in ages gone by. There is only one road in and out of the village, which is nestled on a thin strip of land between the mountains and the sea.  Read More:


Chawa Viewdeck


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The view deck is located at the island of Mahatao facing the West Philippine Sea, making this an ideal spot for sunset watching. It offers a magnificent view on the island’s coastline characterized by sea waves smashing the cliffs. This is also the perfect place to relax and enjoy the breeze of the wind blowing from the sea with the sight of the clear blue sea. Climbing back up is not for the faint of knees though.  Read More:



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Batanes Forms Part of Region II

The Enthralling Tiny Islands of Batanes

Where is Batanes and How to Get There

Special Places to Visit in Batanes

Batanes Photo Gallery

Batanes Video Collection



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