Posts Tagged ‘Tagaytay Ridge’

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Long known to be a picturesque province, Cavite is a land blessed with a galore of natural wonders, making it gleaming and a perfect place for a memorable eco-holiday. The province boasts some of its most superb mountains, cave and falls which can truly fascinate its numerous visitors. Natural wonders in Cavite are mostly found in the upland areas such as:


Tagaytay Ridge


Tagaytay Ridge

At 2,250 ft. above sea level, Tagaytay Ridge offers a magnificent view of the smallest  volcano in the world, Taal Volcano, resting in the middle of serene Taal Lake.


Taal Volcano in a Lake

Cable cars provides exhilarating ride while soaring over majestic Taal Lake and surrounding forest. The Tagaytay cable car company lets you experience up to 60km/hr soaring up to 300 ft off the ground over scenic courses.


 Cabag Cave


Cabag Cave

Cabag Caves in Silang Cavite –  The place could be found at the bottom of the slope which runs down a steep angle to a brook. Lush greenery surround this little valley where at its bottom corner one could find the Cabag Cave where clear water strongly flows out. Inside the cave, an underground river flows and runs for about 50 meters inward. A pool of water is formed immediately of the mouth of the cave which leads to the brook. 


 Balite Falls


Balite Falls

Balite Falls (Amadeo). Two falls could actually be seen in the area, one which flows naturally, gushing strong clear water while the other one is outfitted into a pool of water with a deep part for the adults and the shallow for the children.


 Malicbilic Falls


Malibicbic Falls

Malicbilic Falls. A valley borders the Malicbilic Falls, where a boulder strewn river cuts across the middle made by the gushing water from the falls. While at one far end of the river is the NAIA irrigation project, the other river route nearer the falls is a large pond, which could be viewed from a top of the border hills of the valley. A large pool of water forms at the base of the falls while  coconut trees, shrubs and other greenery flank its sides.


 Puerto Azul


Puerto Azul

Puerto Azul (Ternate). The plushiest resort in the area. It is equipped with modern and varied facilities and offers a wide range of sports and recreation from golf to a number of water sports. It has been the site of many international aquasports competitions.

A tourists’ paradise in the outskirts of Ternate town in Cavite, this pleasant resort is just a few hours drive from Manila. A world-class beach resort with it’s seven coves, black sandy beaches, luxurious accommodations, a famous golf course and good restaurants. It features facilities for surf and turf sports, and many other activities.


 Ulong Tubig


Ulong Tubig

Ulong Tubig (Carmona). A pool formed by natural spring water that comes from an adjacent hill. The pool leads to an irrigation pump which supplies a vast number of rice fields in Carmona. The area is shaded by coconut trees and other greenery. It is said that during the morning, the water is very clear. However, it becomes tinged green due to algae disturbed by swimmers during the  afternoon.


 Pico de Loro


Pico de Loro

Mountaineers who visit Pico de Loro discover that it is as enchanting as its name. High on Cavite’s highest point, they could behold the rocky tower that the Spanish sailors once saw as the parrot’s beak, and they could gaze towards South China Sea where the galleons once sailed, all the way to the historic island fort of Corregidor. Gusts of sea breeze reach the peak, refreshing hikers after a four-hour climb. The peak’s rocky outcropping is dramatic, and sharply contrasts with the plains of Cavite and the waters of South China Sea.

Cavite is a quiet town and yet overflowing with tourist attractions!    






Cavite – the Historical Capital of the Philippines

Colorful Festivals in Cavite

It’s Fun in Cavite

Interesting Spots in Cavite

Come and Visit Tagaytay

Cavite Photo Gallery

Cavite Video Collection



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