Posts Tagged ‘walis tambo’


Bataan Palis-Lasa FestivalPhoto from:


Palis Lasa Festival is an agro- religious festival held annually in Mabatang, Abucay. It starts with a thanksgiving mass and street dancing where participants adorn themselves with colorful costumes made of tiger lass or “lasa” used to make walis tambo.  Read More:


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Palis-Lasais Kapampangan word for broom. Palisis Tagalog for walis. Lasa is kind of grass called tiger lass which in Tagalog, is referred to as tambo. Technically, therefore “Palis-Lasa is walis tambo. The brooms that have made Baguio known are actually prepared in this little barrio. The hardworking people of Mabatang are considered experts in making handicraft. Even if they don’t grow the strong yet slender native grass called “lasa or tiger lass they patiently weave them into the most durable and beautiful brooms that are brought to the markets of Baguio.

“Palis-Lasais an agricultural-religious festival in honor of Saint Antonine of Florence. Processions are held after the 8,00 a.m. and 5,00 p.m. concelebrated Holy Masses. These processions are participated in by devotees from the Barangays, some of whom are garbed with colorful and attractive attire made of palis-lasa or walis tambo. They dance as they walk with the reyna or queens of the different Barangays holding up and swaying the little statues or pictures of Saint Antonine, to the rhythmic tune of the theme song of the patron saint.  Read More:



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Palis Lasa Festival is an agro- religious festival held annually in barangay Mabatang. It starts with a thanksgiving mass and a street dancing where participants adorn themselves with colorful costumes made of tiger lass used to make walis tambo. The “Palis-Lasa” is Kapampangan word for broom. “Palis” is Tagalog for walis. “Lasa” is kind of grass called tiger grass which in Tagalog, is referred to as tambo. Therefore “Palis-Lasa” means walis tambo. The brooms that have made Baguio known are actually prepared in Mabatang.  Read More:







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