Posts Tagged ‘water tubing at Siitan River’


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Part of the mighty Cagayan River where before there was an abundance of fish, thus the name “Siitan”, derived from the Ilocano word “Siit” which means fishbone. Now a venue for the SIITAN RIVER CRUISE at Nagtipunan, Quirino where one can experience non-stop jaw-dropping wonders of nature which starts at Bimmapor (ship like rock formation) its environs and stone flakes to the 2-kilometre stretch of amazing rock formations while enjoying Siitan River Cruise on-board native kayaks. Enjoy crystal clear waters while listening to the songs of wild birds on its forested river banks…experience communing with nature at its best! Read More:


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Siitan is part of the mighty Cagayan River. During dry season, our guide told us that the water is crystal clear; it was only now during the rainy months that it turns a bit murky. I don’t know if they were just being overly modest, but the river water looked quite clear to me. I just can’t imagine how crystalline these waters get during the right season.

After some minutes of easily cruising along Siitan River, a batch of balasyan canoes docked on the bank while the rest drifted off into the stronger parts of the river. A few of us decided that canoeing just wouldn’t break it; we wanted something that would make our blood rush to our head and send us shrieking in fear and delight.  Read More:




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Once upon a time, the riverbanks of Siitan River used to be thorny that they call the place “siitan.”Siit is an Ilocano word for thorn, he explained. I read from another blog though that siit means fish bone and that’s where the river got its name. Whether the word refers to thorny plants or fish bone, I cannot tell for sure. What I do know for a fact is that Siitan River is beautiful with giant limestone formation that would rival those in Coron.

Siitan River, just like the Governor’s Rapids is section of Cagayan River. While Governor’s Rapids can be found in Maddela, Siitan River is in Nagtipunan. They share physical similarities, most especially the giant limestone cliffs on the side of the river. The river’s most famous feature is the Bimmapor Rock Formation, which we only saw from afar.

Even when the place shared similarities with the other river, my sense of wonderment wasn’t in any way, diluted. I said wow many times and I couldn’t stop from taking photos. Everywhere I looked, there’s beauty to be appreciated. The view is too lovely for words.  Read more:








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