Posts Tagged ‘where to go in Batanes’




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Batanes is one of the best destination in the Philippines. It’s located in the northernmost province of the country, which is part of the Cagayan Valley region. The provincial capital is Basco, which is the center of commerce and seat of the provincial government.

The province features a lot of beautiful and unique tourist spots. Anywhere you go, you can find amazing things, which is perfect background for your selfie or group photo. Batanes has three largest islands, Batan, Itbayat, and Sabtang.
Each spot in the province offers unique attractions. The Sabtang island has lots of natural attractions that will be loved by every nature lovers. You can find here white sand beaches with steep mountains and deep canyons. Read More:




It's More Fun in the Philippines, No.1 for Fun!



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Liveng – the Batanes Hedgerows


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One thing that would grab your attention when you look at the hills on the island are this complex network of tall vegetation that seems like boundaries of a giant jigsaw puzzle spread over the verdant hills. Liveng to the locals, are small trees, tall grass like talahib, bamboo, shrubs and/or corn that are planted to serve many purposes: protection of crops against grazing animals, windbreakers, protection from soil erosion and serves as boundaries or demarcation lines of the lands they own.  Read More:



Mahatao Port and Boat Shelter


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The Mahatao Boat Shelter (or just Port Shelter). This is becoming an iconic landmark in Batanes. This is where inter-island boats, and vessels dock during stormy weather. Since fishing is one of the main industries in Batanes, (and since Batanes is frequented by strong typhoons), it paved way for the construction of this boat port as a means of supporting the industry and the provision of local employment.  Read More:



Mahatao Tayid Lighthouse


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Situated in Mahatao, Batanes is the “Tayid Lighthouse”, it is one of the three functional lighthouse that was built in early 2000s. The lighthouse also serves as a tourist attraction.Many people think that the Tayid lighthouse is the 18th century old Mahatao Lighthouse but it is not the Spanish-era lighthouse.

The construction of Tayid lighthouse together with Basco and Sabtang lighthouse was important because they serve as  indicators to seafarers across the risky waters of West Philippine Sea and Pacific Ocean.  Read More:



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Batanes Forms Part of Region II

The Enthralling Tiny Islands of Batanes

Where is Batanes and How to Get There

Special Places to Visit in Batanes

Batanes Photo Gallery

Batanes Video Collection



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